Donation Pickup & Drop Off Near Me


Call us today at 940-231-7688

We recycle 60%-80% of items to donation centers

"Tacklin' Tough Times Together: Donatin' in the Spirit of the Dallas Cowboys"

Y'all know, football season's back in full swing here in Texas. It's a time for gatherin' 'round, cheerin' on our beloved Cowboys, and feelin' that sense of community spirit. But let's be honest, folks, times are tough for a lot of families out there. The economy's been hittin' harder than a linebacker blitz, and makin' ends meet ain't always easy.

Now, I ain't sayin' we can solve all the world's problems with a donation pickup. But just like on the football field, every little bit counts. When we come together as a team, we can make a real difference in the lives of our neighbors.

Think about it. That ol' couch you're replacin'? It could be a comfy spot for a family finally gettin' back on their feet. Those gently-used clothes your kids outgrew? They could bring a smile to a child's face who might not have much to call their own.

At Junk North DFW, we believe in the power of givin' back. That's why we make donation pickups easier than catchin' a touchdown pass. We'll haul away your unwanted furniture, appliances, and household goods, and deliver 'em straight to the charities that need 'em most.

It's like a Hail Mary pass, folks. You toss us the ball, and we'll make sure it lands in the right hands.

"Why Donatin' Matters More Than Ever"

"Let's Huddle Up and Make a Difference"

This football season, let's channel that Cowboys spirit of teamwork and generosity. Clean out your closets, garages, and spare rooms. Gather up those gently-used items you no longer need, and let Junk North DFW handle the rest.

Together, we can score a touchdown for those in need. It's time to show the world what Texas hospitality is all about!